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[padg] Intellectual Access to Preservation Data Interest Group

ALA 2008 Annual Conference
Intellectual Access to Preservation Data Interest Group
Saturday, January 12, 2008:  4-6pm
Philadelphia Convention Center (PCC)  105B
1)    Business Meeting
        a)    Announcements and updates
        b)    Election of co-chair to replace Tyra Grant (begins after Anaheim)
2)    Searching OCLC for Preservation Information via the 583 Field
       Debra McKern, Inventory Management Coordinator, Library of Congress
3)    Audio:  Intellectual Access to Preservation Information:
       An open discussion to help focus our Anaheim meeting to be most useful to serve audio preservation needs. 
       We would like to hear about audio projects and how you are (or are not) managing audio preservation data.  
       This will be a good time to confess ignorance or ask questions others may share.
       What would you like to learn about or discuss among your colleagues or with audio preservation practitioners at Anaheim?
Tyra Grant
Head, Preservation Department
University of Kansas Libraries
Jonathan Thorn, MLS
Reformatting Engineer
Safe Sound Archive

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