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RE: [padg] PADG agenda Midwinter

Tara – The program looks great!


We’ll do our best to stay within our time constraints (or even end early). I’ve decided that we should hand out some sort of sheet for people to make responses. There are those who won’t speak up, plus this will allow everyone to have input even if we run out of time.


See you soon,



Nancy E. Kraft


From: Tara Kennedy [mailto:tara.d.kennedy@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 9:32 AM
To: padg@xxxxxxx
Cc: Jake Nadal
Subject: [padg] PADG agenda Midwinter


Hello All-


Due to time constraints from some of our panel participants, the agenda has changed ever-so-slightly AGAIN.


In order to accommodate our guests, we will be doing things a little differently. After the poster session and break, we will have our announcements, and then the final panel discussion. Because the announcements will be in the middle of the agenda, you must keep your announcements brief, no more than five minutes.  That way we can ensure that everyone who needs to make an announcement will have the opportunity to do so.


Please let Jake or I know if you will be making an announcement during the PADG Meeting and we’ll add you to the list.


Again, thank you for your patience. I think this is truly the final version of the agenda.






ALA Midwinter Conference, Philadelphia


Preservation Administration Discussion Group

Saturday, January 12, 2008

8:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M.

Sheraton Philadelphia, Liberty Ballroom A




8:30 – 8:45                  PARS Chair Greeting & Announcements

                                    Andrew Hart, University of North Carolina



8:45 – 9:45                  PARS Re-Configuring Discussion

                                    Sue Kellerman, Penn State University, PARS Planning Committee

                                                Nancy Kraft, University of Iowa



9:45 – 10:15                Break and Poster Session (1/2 hour)



10:15 – 10:45              Announcements



11:00 – 12:00              Discussion: Preservation Programs in the Digital Age

                                    Evelyn Frangakis, The New York Public Library, Moderator

                                                Jim Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian,

                                                                                Columbia University

                                                Bob Allen, Associate Professor, College of Information Science and Technology,

                                                                                Drexel University




Sidney Tibbetts (MLS candidate, UT Austin): A survey process to assess the condition of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, with a particular emphasis on identifying friable inks and pigments.


Martha Horan (MLS candidate, UT Austin): A research centered approach to collection condition assessment, using the Fashion and Costume History collections of The New York Public Library.


Adrienne Bell (Etherington Conservation Center): Conservation and aqueous treatments process for a mold damaged bible from 1570.



Tara D. Kennedy
Preservation Field Services Librarian
Preservation Department
Yale University
Sterling Memorial Library
130 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 432-4335 (Voice)
(203) 432-9900 (FAX)
"let me help you help your library!"


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