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[padg] Microfilm question

In the spirit of "The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked":

I have always heard that microfilm should never be secured with rubber bands.

I've just started a project, with the help of an intern, to add our holdings of microform to our catalog.  I found a whole run of one periodical, each with rubber bands (rotting rubber bands ...) around the film on the reel.  Then I checked the new roll of film that had just come in from the UMI-successor company for an ALA periodical ... and found a rubber band around the reel.

Shouldn't we have those acid-free paper wraps on all the reels?  And if so, why are brand new reels coming from the vendor with rubber bands?

-- Karen Muller, MLS
   Librarian and Knowledge Management Specialist
   American Library Association
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