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[padg] Non-book media

Dear Colleagues:  I first want to thank those who responded to my
questions concerning non-book media.  I very much appreciated the
thoughtfulness of the responses and the information.

To summarize: One response was from a Moving Image Specialist (what
luxury) who works with Special Collections to reformat, repair, and
survey collections.  She does not deal with on-line journals.  Another
response works with a wide variety of formats, especially photographic
images in print, negatives, and slides.  All of her materials is stored
at 60 degrees F and 40% RH.  Both institutions work with best practice
and have or are working on guidelines, policies, and procedures.   The
last response dealt with on-line journals that her library is receiving
archival copies.  At the present time the disks are being stored in the
microfilm vault but no preservation activities are being performed to
ensure usability at some point in the future if needed.

Again, thank you for your responses, they are very helpful.  Joan

Joan Gatewood
Preservation & Conservation
University of Michigan Library
837 Greene Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-3213

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