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[padg] Library of Congress tour of High Density Storage at Ft Meade

Tues June 26, 2007

Tour of the Library's Ft. Meade High Density Book Storage Facility
Transportation provided, buses leave from the Washington Convention
Tour 1: 8:30 am - 12:00 noon
Tour 2: 1:00 - 4:30 pm

In November 2002, the Library of Congress opened the first of a series
of high density book storage modules at Ft. Meade, Maryland
approximately 29 miles north of downtown Washington, D.C. Module 1 is
now full, and occupancy of Module 2 has begun. Modeled after the Harvard
University high density storage facility, the Library*s off-site
storage facilities feature a state of the art environment for
paper-based collections, and a storage configuration that maximizes
capacity within the allotted space. The Library will conduct two tours
of the Ft. Meade facility on Tuesday, June 26; one leaving the
Convention Center at 8:30 am, returning by noon; the second, leaving the
Convention Center at 1:00 pm, returning by 4:30 pm. Space is limited and
advanced sign-up is required. There is no charge for this field trip.
Transportation will be provided by the Library of Congress. 

You must sign up for the tour from the LC website at 
Because the tour is Tues it is at the end of the page of tours.

We look forward to seeing you.  

Jeanne Drewes
Chief, Binding & Collections Care, 
Library of Congress, LM-G20
202 707 5330
FAX: 202 707 3434

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