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[PADG:1381] Fwd: PDF moves towards open source

Just an informational piece for those that might be interested....

Tom Teper

Adobe announced yesterday that it will release the PDF
specification for submission to the ISO for maintenance as an open
standard. This is good news re: long-term sustainability for all of
us who have used it over the years as a vendor-maintained _de
facto_ standard, albeit one that has an open/published
specification and has been closely linked to such actual ISO
standards as PDF/A* (PDF/Archive). The Adobe press release is at:

< http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pressroom/pressreleases/

And Slashdot has a summary, further links, and discussion at:


Acting Associate University Librarian for Collections Head of Preservation and Assistant Professor, John "Bud" Velde Endowed Professorship University Library 246F Main Library University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 1408 West Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801

Telephone:      217-244-8755
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