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[PADG:1326] PADG pre-meeting in Seattle

For those of you who will reject the invitation to stay in bed and are willing to contribute to the PADG "Pre-Meeting Open Discussion," I would like to provide some focus for the discussion of "Future Directions."
When I was first asked to lead this discussion, it struck me that the issue we need to consider sooner than later is what we should STOP doing in our preservation programs.  Fortunately, in a recent posting to hangingtogether.org (http://hangingtogether.org/?p=170)  Brian Lavoie has given us a concise rationale for that discussion, appealing to the first four of Greg Mankiw's principles of economics.  Please read the posting, make notes, and bring coffee.
Mass digitization; off-site storage; the "collective collection"; and the emerging "network" (not the old one, the new one) - among a range of developments - require that we make better choices about what we can give up to provide more efficient and effective service as our space and collections change, and how we can optimize the services we will provide.
So, what are the trade-offs; what are the opportunities; what is the appropriate scale and how can we optimize that; and what are the motivations?
Thanks.  Bob 

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