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[PADG:1154] Re: Oversize Melinex

I was able to get some rolls of 3mil/60 inches wide from Archivart a couple years ago; www.archivart.com. If it's not listed in their catalog, call to ask.

Shannon Zachary, Head, Preservation and Conservation
University Library
The University of Michigan
837 Greene St. / 3202 Buhr Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1048
Phone: 734/763-6980 Fax: 734/763-7886
email: szachary@xxxxxxxxx

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Kevin Driedger wrote:


Where does one find Melinex/Mylar that is wider than 40 in.? We have
some large maps we'd like to encapsulate, and the idea of a seam seems


********************************************** Kevin Driedger Library of Michigan 702 W. Kalamazoo P.O. Box 30007 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-9440

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