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[PADG:1079] Re: digitizing film

I am away from the office.  I will not have access to email, but will be checking for phone messages.  I will be in on Tuesday, June 20 and then away until Monday, June 26.

Ann Seibert, Asst. Director, Preservation Programs, will be Acting Director, Preservation Programs.  Please contact her at 301-837-1567 or ann.seibert@xxxxxxxx

If there is a records emergency, please contact NARA security at 301-837-2900.  Security will contact the Records Emergency (Beeper) Response Team.

Doris A. Hamburg
Director, Preservation Programs
National Archives and Records Administration

>>> padg 06/16/06 10:04 >>>

has anyone developed a set of technical and service specifications for
digitizing microfilm?  If so, I would appreciate your sharing a copy with
me.  Specifically, I'm interested in the conversion of unblipped,
high-contrast, b/w microfilm on 100' reels.  The originals are a mix of
newspapers, monographs, and serials (*not* on the same reels, of course!).  



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