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[PADG:1068] THNOC free tour at ALA

ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans is in 8 days.  Are you ready??  Have you signed up for the free tour of the The Historic New Orleans Collection on Friday morning? (Details in the full email below).
We would love to have you visit the facilities, it truly is a fabulous collection and Alfred will be giving us an update on recent activities in New Orleans, so please let myself or Jane Hedberg know if you want to attend.
Cathy Martyniak
Head, Preservation

From: owner-padg@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-padg@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Cathleen Martyniak
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:00 PM
To: padg@xxxxxxx
Cc: Alfred Lemmon
Subject: [PADG:907] THNOC free tour!!



Many of you were able to attend the PADG meeting in San Antonio when Alfred Lemmon, Curator of The Historic New Orleans Collection (THNOC Main page can be found at http://www.hnoc.org/index.html ), gave a riveting presentation on the disaster preparedness and recovery lessons learned by THNOC staff before, during and after Katrina.  His talk was, for many of us, the highlight of PADG at Midwinter. 


Building on the presentation and the interest it engendered, Alfred and I have been working on a plan to allow up to 60 members of PADG to come to the THNOC on the morning of Friday, June 23rd for a special free behind the scenes tour!!  The tour will start at 9:30 and last until 11:30.  Please come to the front door of the 533 Royal Street facility. If you cannot be there right at 9:30, please come any time before 10:45 since you will be allowed to join the tour in progress.


Attendees will be organized into equal size groups in order to flow smoothly through several portions of the facilities.  Groups will rotate through all portions of the THNOC, so that everyone can see everything!! The first group will tour the Williams Research Center (WRC). For details on the WRC, please click the Research button in the left panel of the main page.


A second group will first explore “Common Routes: St. Domingue to Louisiana” (Exhibit web site at http://www.hnoc.org/stdomingue/flash_commonroutes.html  )  The THNOC staff member leading that portion of the tour will speak on the nitty gritty details of preparing the collection for exhibit, touching on new standards for shipping crates, insurance changes relating to terrorism and the creation of condition reports.


A third group will begin by watching a video on the exhibition produced and directed by Walter Williams, perhaps better known as the creator of “Mr. Bill” on Saturday Night Live.  All three groups will see the Exhibition, video and WRC.


At the end, all attendees will congregate in to one central area so that we can get a group update from Alfred on how the Collection and the City are doing post-Katrina.  


Family members are also welcome to attend and there is a family guide to the exhibition.


Please RSVP to Cathy Martyniak (cmook@xxxxxxx) or Jane Hedberg (jane_hedberg@xxxxxxxxxxx ) by Monday, June 5th, so that Alfred will be able to schedule sufficient staff to host the event. 

Cathleen L. Martyniak
Head, Preservation Department
Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
352-392-6962 (voice)
352-392-6597 (fax)

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