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[PADG:970] Hurry! NEH PAG Application Deadline: May 15, 2006

DEADLINE: MAY 15, 2006 for NEH Preservation Assistance Grants For Smaller Institutions.

The National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grant (PAG) program is still a best bet for collections care funding for smaller institutions. NEH awards grants of up to $5,000 on a non-matching basis to support the preservation of materials in smaller libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations.

For application information and guidelines,

go to http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/pag.html



For the first time, all 2006 Preservation Assistance Grants require application through Grants.gov.

Every Federal grant program will soon require Grants.gov, so why not complete the ONE-TIME Grants.gov registration process now?

Remember to start your Grants.gov registration AT LEAST 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE of the PAG deadline of May 15, 2006.

For a handy checklist to guide you through the Grants.gov registration process, go to:


For further demystification of the Grants.gov procedure,

click on http://www.grants.gov/SpreadWordWebcast for the Grants.gov Webcast introduction.



NEDCC is a premier center for consultation and training on preservation of paper-based materials and photographs. NEDCC staff is available to support you in planning your grant application. NEDCC can carry out general preservation surveys and on-site consultations regarding a specific conservation concern. NEDCC offers preservation workshops throughout the year. NEDCC staff are also available for on-site workshops and training.

Visit www.nedcc.org for a calendar of upcoming workshops and conferences, or for more information on the Center's services.

If you are interested in working with NEDCC to develop a proposal, call now to discuss the scope and application procedures, (978) 470-1010, or email rhatcher@xxxxxxxxxx

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