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[PADG:825] ILL Stickers -- PADG Pre-Meeting Discussion at ALA

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Dear Colleagues: This is a summary of the Pre-Meeting Open Discussion of PADG, held Saturday January 21 at ALA Mid-winter in San Antonio, on the use of stickers (pressure sensitive adhesive labels) on borrowed library materials.
Approximately 10 attendees met before the PADG meeting to discuss problems and issues associated with the use of ILLiad pressure-sensitive adhesive labels being affixed to, in or on loaned materials by requesting institutions.
PADG postings in April and May of 2001, and August 2005, along with specific information about the types of damage that stickers can cause, were reviewed, as were copies of the ILL Code of the United States and its Explanatory Supplement (available at at
http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaprotools/referenceguide/interlibrary.htm, and
It was noted that supplying libraries are responsible for establishing, maintaining, and making available an interlibrary lending policy. If your institition does not wish borrowers to apply sticky labels to its material then this needs to be clearly noted in your policy. If a borrower does not comply you should work with them to understand the problem and respect your policy. If the borrower continues to disregard your provisions you may consider suspending service.
We agreed that it would be better to prepare a broader statement that prohibits the application of any pressure sensitive adhesive, including labels, notes, Post-It Notes, tapes, or similar products, to borrowed materials, including its dust jacket. Several sections of the Explanatory Supplement were cited as appropriate for inclusion of this provision.
A vote of support for the draft statement by attendees at PADG was unopposed. A draft motion was submitted to the Management Committee of PARS for consideration. After review by PARS Exec it is expected to be submitted to the ALCTS Board for submission to the board of RUSA, and finally the STARS committee responsible for revising the ILL Code. It is our hope that formalizing our position about the use of pressure sensitive adhesives on borrowed materials will make prohibiting their use more meaningful and effective.
Thank you to all who participated in this discussion and for their input regarding the language and delivery of this important preservation action.
Karen E.K. Brown
Preservation Librarian
University at Albany

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