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[PADG:703] Internship at University of Chicago Library

The Mary and Samuel Somit Preservation Internship
The University of Chicago Library

The University of Chicago Library is accepting applications for the 2006 Mary and Samuel Somit Preservation Internship.  This newly established Internship has been made possible through the generosity of Dr. Albert Somit (AB ?41, PhD ?47), University of Chicago alumnus and past president of Southern Illinois University.  Dr. Somit has established the Internship to honor his parents? legacy, serve the needs of the Library?s collection and prepare individuals for important work to preserve and protect library materials and other scholarly works so that they are available for research and teaching in the future.

The Internship is intended to provide firsthand experience and a broader understanding of the care and treatment of library and archives materials in an academic library.  Under the direction of the Preservation Librarian, the Intern will learn about the organization and operations of a comprehensive preservation program and preservation issues and challenges within the context of a large research library.  The Intern will work with staff from the Preservation Department and the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) who are responsible for binding, preservation reformatting, conservation and other preservation activities. The Intern will be required to complete a project based on their interests and skills and the needs of the Preservation Department and the SCRC.  Representative activities may include:

·        Gathering background documentation and synthesizing information on selected preservation issues or topics. Through this work, the Intern will become familiar with literature in the preservation field as well as successful preservation strategies. 

·        Working with staff who make preservation selection decisions for materials that will be transferred to the Library?s planned new shelving facility, materials that will be digitally reformatted, and materials needing other preservation actions and treatments.  The Intern will learn how library materials and research patterns differ from one discipline to another and how these factors and priorities impact decision-making for preservation.

·        Designing and implementing a pilot project that documents the variables and tests the workflow for a preservation production operation, such as identifying materials in need of preservation and testing preservation approaches.  This will be an opportunity to apply, test, and fine-tune hypothetical concepts in a day-to-day working environment.

·        Developing, performing, and documenting condition assessments or surveys for print and media collections. This information will be used to prioritize, plan, and implement general or specific treatment programs.

Eligibility and requirements:
Graduates and currently enrolled students of a recognized library or conservation program; or students (graduate or undergraduate) with equivalent experience and training in preservation or book conservation.  Applicants must be familiar with preservation principles and conservation treatments and possess the ability to work collaboratively and independently to accomplish project goals. Familiarity with Windows and/or XP, PC network environment, word-processing and spreadsheet software is important.

Applicants must commit to six consecutive weeks of full-time work or a schedule that is mutually agreeable.  The 2006 Internship provides a $3000 stipend.  A final project report is required.

Students who are interested in the Internship should submit a letter of application expressing their interest in this opportunity as well as a resume and the names and e-mail addresses of three references. Applications received by December 1, 2005, will be assured consideration.  The Internship is available after January 1, 2006.  The actual appointment date will be based on discussions with the Preservation Librarian and the successful applicant. 

The University of Chicago Library is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Applications should be sent to:

                                   Sherry Byrne
                                   Preservation Librarian
                                   University of Chicago Library
                                   1100 East 57th Street, JRL 150
                                   Chicago, IL 60637
                                   Phone: (773) 702-9313
                                   Fax:    (773) 702-6623
                                   Email:  sbyr@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Sherry Byrne
Preservation Librarian
University of Chicago Library
1100 E. 57th Street, Room 150
Chicago, IL  60637
(773) 702-9313 voice
(773) 702-6623 fax

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