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[PADG:335] Commercial Library Binding Workshop From SOLINET

Spaces are available for the following SOLINET workshop (Please excuse

*************Commercial Library Binding************************

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at University of Kentucky at Lexington, KY from
9 am to 4 pm.

This class provides the tools needed to make appropriate decisions that
balance preservation goals and financial realities. Modules include:
book structure & modern book manufacturing methods, an overview of
bindery operations, with a look at "leaf attachment" methods, analysis
of the benefits and disadvantages of various methods, discussion of
materials used; and explanations of the technical terms used by library
binders. Also incorporated is a discussion and practicum in which
attendees will make binding decisions to be applied within the library.
Guidelines will be given for immediately and cost-effectively upgrading
your binding program. An overview of how to write a binding contract and
discussion on contracts and vendor relations is included.

Instructors: Tina Mason, SOLINET Preservation Education Officer, SOLINET
and a guest bindery representative. 

Cost is $145 SOLINET members ($135 early bird, $170 late registration),
$185 Non-members ($175 early bird, $200 late registration). Any
institution in Kentucky qualifies for the member rate.

For more information or to register, contact Vanessa Richardson at
800-999-8558, vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx> or visit our website at
www.solinet.net for full descriptions and online registration.
This class is funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for
the Humanities, Division of Preservation and Access.

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