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[PADG:233] Re: FW: Bad news from the University of Hawaii

someone has put up photos.  i haven't seen them but here they are for
anyone who is curious.  i am off to vote!


Lynn Ann Davis
Head, Preservation Department
University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Phone:  (808) 956-8539
FAX:    (808) 956-5968

----- Original Message -----
From: "Drewes, Jeanne" <drewes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 4:02 am
Subject: [PADG:230] FW: Bad news from the University of Hawaii

> Jeanne Drewes
> Assistant Director for Access & Preservation
> Michigan State University Libraries
> 100 Library Room W-108A
> East Lansing, MI 48824-1048
> 517 4326123 ext. 147  
> NEW!!    FAX 517 353 8969
> drewes@xxxxxxx
> http://www.lib.msu.edu/drewes
> HONOLULU, Hawaii (AP) -- Heavy rain sent water as much as 8 feet deep
> rushing through the University of Hawaii's main research library,
> destroying irreplaceable documents and books, toppling doors and 
> walls and
> forcing a few students to break a window to escape.
> Ten inches of rain fell in 24 hours starting Saturday morning in 
> the Manoa
> Valley near Waikiki. Several cars were carried downstream when Manoa
> Stream overflowed its banks, and a school and church that were 
> supposed to
> serve as polling places for Tuesday's election also were damaged.
> Gov. Linda Lingle toured the university Sunday and declared Manoa 
> Valley a
> state disaster area.
> The library's ground floor was a jumble, with walls knocked down and
> furniture piled up, said librarian Diane Perushek. The water also left
> several inches of mud.
> "Our lowest level of the library, the ground floor, is decimated,"
> Perushek said. "We're seeing what we can retrieve now."
> Several people attending a small class on the ground floor 
> Saturday night
> had to knock out a window to escape the flash flood, Perushek 
> said. No one
> was hurt.
> About three dozen university buildings, including dormitories, 
> lost power
> and Monday's classes were canceled.
> The damaged items contained mostly maps, some 90,000 aerial 
> photographs, a
> government document collection and about 100,000 new books that 
> had not
> been catalogued, she said.
> Two refrigerated trucks were brought to campus Sunday to help 
> salvage the
> soaked documents.
> "We've already started putting materials in there to freeze dry them,"
> Perushek said.

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