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[PADG:209] Preservation Microfilming: The Silver Standard Workshop From SOLINET

SOLINET, Inc., the Southeastern Library Network, is pleased to announce
the following Preservation Workshop (Please excuse cross-posting):

********Preservation Microfilming: The Silver Standard****************

Tuesday-Wednesday, November 9-10, 2004, University of Gainesville,
Gainesville, FL from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm on Tuesday the 9th, concluding
8:30 to noon on Wednesday the 10th.

Do deteriorated and crumbling 19th century book and paper collections
comprise a large part of your library or archive? Which reformatting
technique will best preserve this material for the long term? Digital
technology is the choice to enhance access, but the Council on Library
and Information Resources considers preservation microfilming "the gold
standard" for preserving the intellectual content of brittle, endangered

This workshop is designed to train project administrators in
institutions to plan, implement, and manage microfilming projects. The
one and a half day session will cover the follow topics: planning
microfilm projects, selecting and preparing materials, microfilm
technology and equipment, standards, inspection, and quality control,
agents of film deterioration, and proper microfilm storage. 

Workshop includes a hands-on quality control exercise including film
inspection, and a tour of a microfilming operation. 

Instructors: Kopana Terry and Becky Ryder, Preservation Librarians,
William P. Young Library, University of Kentucky at Lexington. 

Cost is $195 SOLINET members ($185 early bird, $220 late registration),
$235 Non-members ($225 early bird, $260 late registration). Any
institution in Florida qualifies for the member rate.

For more information or to register, contact Vanessa Richardson at
800-999-8558, vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx> or visit our website at
www.solinet.net for full descriptions and online registration.
This workshop is funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment
for the Humanities, Division of Preservation and Access.

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