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[PADG:2175] FW: Acetate microfilm deterioration, use and OHS issues

> Hello,
> My name is Lydia Preiss, Manager of Collection Preservation at the
> National Library of Australia.  Over the last few years we have been doing
> quite a bit of work relating to deterioration of cellulose acetate -
> please see our  ANICA  (Australian Network for Information on Cellulose
> Acetate) website at: http://www.nla.gov.au/anica/index.html.    We have
> been working our way through our own special collections addressing
> deterioration of mainly original negative material in these areas.  
> We are now considering  the Library's general reference collection of
> microforms, and have done some research on the issues involved. The NLA
> has a very large microfilm reference collection so obtaining a suitable
> survey design and sampling methodology is important.  In addition to
> surveying the microfilm collection to identify acetate film base, its
> state of deterioration and replacement needs, it seems to me that the
> issue of occupational health and safety in public and staff use and duty
> of care are are important issues for consideration.
> Apart from quarantining deteriorating acetate microfilm when it is
> identified in use or by survey, I  have not found  many references on the
> aspect of managing the acetate deterioration problem and access.  I would
> be grateful for relevant information that you can provide on any of the
> above  issues which are of interest to many of us. Thank you for your
> responses.
> Lydia Preiss 
> Manager Collection Preservation
> Preservation Services Branch
> National  Library of Australia
> Parkes Place Canberra 2600 ACT
> Ph:  (02) 6262 1627
> Email:  lpreiss@xxxxxxxxxx
> Fax:  (02) 6257 1703

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