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[PADG:2149] preservation dept funding models

We are going to be looking at how the preservation dept here at Yale is 
currently funded and would like to explore a variety of funding models.  I 
would be very interested in hearing from a wide variety of institutions on 
how preservation departments and/or preservation activities are funded at 
the institutional level.  Below are some questions to get folks thinking, 
but feel free to present information in whatever way works.

What percentage of the budget is supplied by the institution?
   What does that cover--supplies, salaries, equipment?
What percentage of the budget is from specific departments or collections?
  What does that cover?
   Does it go into a preservation budget pot?  How do the specific 
departments or collections get their money's worth?
How dependent on grants is the preservation department and its activities?
Do you have an endowment for all or part of the department?  If part, what 
is it to cover?
Does money raised for endowment or grant projects ever replace 
institutional funding?

A brief outline of what your preservation department's realms of influence 
or areas of specific responsibilities are would be helpful in putting your 
funding model in a context; i.e., some departments include electronic/media 
preservation, others do not; some have all binding responsibility and shelf 
prep, others do not.

If you would like to respond off the list, I will then try and compile an 
email with the variety of funding models and report back to all with some 
generic models, which will protect anonymity.

I know we are all just getting going with this fiscal year, but I suspect 
many places are already thinking about FY05 and so this may be something to 
keep in mind when you are looking at your budgets.

Thanks.  I would very much like to hear from folks by December 1st.

Bobbie Pilette
Preservation Department
Yale University Library
130 Wall Street
PO Box 208240
New Haven, CT  06520-8240
phone:  203-432-1714
email:  roberta.pilette@xxxxxxxx 

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