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[PADG:2013] Views on Nicholson Baker's Double Fold and preservation issues sought

I'm working on an article for Information Today 
(http://www.infotoday.com/IT/default.shtml) on digital preservation and the 
reformatting issue. The aim is to look at the kind of issues raised by 
Nicholson Baker in Double Fold (which mainly deals with microfilming of 
course), and then broaden it out to cover the wider theme of digital 
preservation,  with a focus on libraries, librarians, and information 
providers. I would be interested in hearing the views of any librarians 
willing to share them with me, and can send a list of specific questions 
off the list.

Please contact me if you are able/willing to help.


Richard Poynder

Richard Poynder
Freelance Journalist
Phone: + 44 (0)191-386-0072
Mobile: 0779-169-6733
Web: www.richardpoynder.com

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