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[PADG:1970] Role of PARS Discussion Groups

The Policy, Planning, and Research Committee is reviewing the role of
the Preservation and Reformatting Section’s eleven Discussion Groups. The
primary purpose of the DGs is to support a forum for
discussion on various preservation topics. 


We’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on the effectiveness
of the DGs.  If
you could take a few minutes and fill out and return this brief survey along
with any comments it would be very much appreciated.


Should <span
> continue to support the following DGs?


<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
  <font size=2
  face="Times New Roman">DISCUSSION GROUP
  <font size=2
  face="Times New Roman">YES
  <font size=2
  face="Times New Roman">NO
  color=black>Binding Automation<span
  Preservation Programs      
  color=black>Library Binding<span
  color=black>Photographic and Recording Media<span
  color=black>Physical Quality and Treatment of Library Materials<span
  color=black>Preservation Administration<span
  color=black>Preservation Instruction, Education and Outreach<span
  color=black>Small to Mid-sized Preservation Program Discussion Group<span



For DGs you feel should not be supported,
would a Special Interest Group be better?

         yes_____ no___<span
class=GramE>_  If yes, which of
the DGs would be better as a SIG: 




Should any of the DGs be combined?<span
>  yes_____ no____

If yes, which DGs should be combined: ________________________________<span



Additional comments or suggestions: 





Many thanks, in advance for your assistance! Please send your comments
by April 11, 2003 to: 


<font size=2
  face="Times New Roman">Bobbie<font
 size=2> <span

Head, Preservation Department 

 > <span
size=2> Libraries


<font size=2
face="Times New Roman">tel<font
size=2>: 203 432 1714


<font size=2
  face="Times New Roman">Melissa<font
 size=2> <span

Director, Research <span

  >New York<span
 > <span
size=2> Historical Association


<font size=2
face="Times New Roman">tel<font
size=2>: 607 547 1473<font size=2




Melissa McAfee<span

Research <st1:PersonName
 size=2 face=Arial>Library<span
> Director<span

  >New York<font
 size=2 face=Arial> <span
size=2 face=Arial> Historical Association

The Farmers' Museum<span

PO Box <font
  size=2 face=Arial>800<span
  >  <span
  >Lake Road<span

 size=2 face=Arial>, <span
 size=2 face=Arial>  <span

607 547 1473 (tel)<span

607 547 1405 (fax)


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