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[PADG:1966] Re: Fwd: [OAI-general] Publishers Removing "Content" from Aggregators

I struggle with the same issues, Tyra.  I found David Gracy's chapter,
"Don't Swat the Skunk: The Preservation Imperative", in Advances in
Preservation and Access (v.2) valuable to my way of understanding
preservation in the digital world.  See Advances in Preservation
and Access, volume 2, edited by Barbra Buckner Higginbotham, 
Learned Information, Inc:  Medford, NJ, 1995, p.24.   CLIR's
publications at http://www.clir.org also help my understanding of this
complex issue.  I became aware of scholarly communication in general
through my work with Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD).  The
Networked Digital Library  for Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) has
posted some papers and talks on technological changes in scholarly
communication at http://www.ndltd.org/help.html that may provide
additional insight.

"Not preserved for that user at that time of access" is a nice way to
say that paid information is not available.  It is a bone of contention
between libraries and publishers.  We do not own aggregated databases
and they are not preserved locally.  Publishers own copyright to the
material and until authors refuse to turn over copyright to them, this
will be the way it is.  This model sets up the publisher as archivist. 
It also challenges the publish/perish syndrome prevalent at most
universities.   JSTOR is the only company I know actively involved in
preserving electronic journals.

Managing this issue involves the entire university infrastructure and
will take some time to change traditional ways of thinking about
scholarship and research.  At this time, librarians can apply economic
pressure by way of consortial agreements for pricing and access.  
Librarians can also help educate teaching faculty about how commercial
publishers work these days.  Many faculty do not understand why
libraries have budget problems when the digital environment was
supposed to take care of all that.  They will continue to see the
library as a black hole for funds unless they understand that libraries
are charged different subscription rates than individuals, that price
increases far exceed inflation, that publishers apply absurd foreign
exchange rates, and are in fact a capitalistic enterprise, not an
altruistic provider for our nation's intellectuals.

Teaching faculty are becoming more aware of this issue as their
libraries are affected by budget cuts and hard decisions must be made
as to which aggregate databases to cut.  Once they see how aggreggate
databases dilute the quality of journals and drive up prices and once
they see how much they are both producer and consumer of this farce,
they can be an effective  voice for change.  


S. Tyra Grant wrote:
<blockquote type="cite"
This issue concerns me---has it been discussed here or elsewhere in a
preservation context?   If it hasn't been discussed, I'd be interested
in hearing whatever perspectives my preservation colleagues might be
willing to share.  I've seen similar messages before but this series
is particularly troubling, e.g., the message from Malcolm Hayward,
Editor of Studies in the Humanities. 
When a library user searches for information that was created and
presumably published but (whether the user realizes it or not) it's not
there to be found, I conclude that information has not been preserved
for that user at that time of access.  And what about our ability to
preserve access for future users?  How do we define preservation
nowadays---especially as it relates to this, and similar, issues?   How
are people managing this topic within their libraries?  Am I missing
critical discussions about this among preservation colleagues or are
these discussions not happening? 
Tyra Grant 
Head, Preservation Department 
Northwestern University Library 
  (Forwarded from ALA/ACRL Scholarly
Communications list) 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: Publishers removing material from aggregators? 
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 15:40:40 -0500 
From: "Susan K. Martin" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
To: "ACRL Scholarly Communication T.F." <SCHOLCOMM@xxxxxxx> 
Your help with information regarding your experience is sought: 
I've received a question from an ACRL section, concerned about the 
increasingly common occurrence experienced by some libraries of
losing full-text  content when publishers attempt to sell their own 
journals' full-text directly to libraries, and therefore pull that
out of the aggregators' package.  Apparently  CSA/Sage is an example of 
As described by section members, they are worried that this trend
pricing inequities and limits access to materials,  just at a time when
if not most  academic libraries are facing budget cuts. 
I tried gaining additional information by doing some searching on the
but wasn't terribly successful.  Do any of you have experiences with
kind of shift  away from aggregators to individual publishers, together
its ramifications for access and budgets? 
Sue Martin 
Visiting Program Officer for Scholarly Communication 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: Re: Publishers removing material from aggregators? 
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 18:12:47 -0800 
From: "Aline Soules" <asoules@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
To: "ACRL Scholarly Communication T.F." <SCHOLCOMM@xxxxxxx> 
This has been going on for some time.  It's not new.  The trick is to 
into your contract some reimbursement or credit on a pro-rated  basis
some information is removed (regardless of whether that  decision is
publisher's or the aggregator's).  Beyond that, I'm not  sure what we
do.  Complain to the publisher?  Certainly, but will it  make a
Only if we do it "in bulk." 
The trouble, in this case, is that the aggregator suffers, although you 
could argue that the aggregator is like the library in this
the blame for something that happens up the line. 
Eventually, however, librarians are going to have to take a stand.  If 
pay for it, we should get it.  If it can no longer be provided, we 
get a rebate.  If the publisher does something we don't like, we  need
talk to them about it and, ultimately, agree not to buy their  product
they provide the kind of security and service we want. 
I know it sounds much simpler than it is, but I can't see how else we 
make progress. 
Aline Soules 
Associate University Librarian 
California State University, Hayward 
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. 
Hayward, CA  94542 
tel. 510-885-4596 
fax  510-885-2049 
e-mail:  asoules@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: Re: Publishers removing material from aggregators? 
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:11:55 -0600 
From: "David Wright" <Wright@xxxxxx> 
To: "ACRL Scholarly Communication T.F." <SCHOLCOMM@xxxxxxx> 
The vendors may suffer (I doubt it!), but those who ultimately suffer
the students who will not have access to the  material.  This will
for at least two reasons: 
1) Students will not aggressively pursue alternate databases with
(and sometimes clunky) interfaces when they are  used to the
interface.  They want what they want fast. 
2) Financial.  Many libraries have no new money to tap into to
subscribe to 
yet another database that may have limited use  by students.  We are a
university and I have a difficult time convincing myself that the
amount we 
are paying for some  of our specialized databases is worth it for the 
limited use they receive overall. 
I have a hard time being gracious to the vendors (esp. Sage) who have
their content  from an aggregator (in our case  EBSCOhost).  I will not
able to subscribe to their content.  I have no new money. 
Many publishers do NOT understand how the information they publish is
by the end user.  I have a brother-in-law who  is a specialty publisher
books and journals and I had to explain to him why libraries needed to
unlimited campus use  licenses for his online journals.  He couldn't
why students wouldn't come to the physical library building to use the 
online journals, just as they have used print.  Go figure! 
With the fiscal climate in many libraries, maybe the publishers who
their data from the aggregators will find out that  libraries really
able to just pay for everything that comes down the pike. 
--David Wright 
David A. Wright 
Library Director 
Leland Speed Library/Mississippi College 
P.O. Box 4047 
Clinton  MS  39058 
Voice 601.925.3438  Fax 601.925.3435 
E-mail:  wright@xxxxxx 
"Consider the lilies." 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: RE: Publishers removing material from aggregators? 
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:41:32 -0600 
From: "Fyffe, Richard" <rfyffe@xxxxxx> 
To: "ACRL Scholarly Communication T.F." <SCHOLCOMM@xxxxxxx> 
  There have been several cases of content disappearing. In addition to
Sage titles, I believe that Harvard Business  Review moved from having
relationship with multiple aggregators to an exclusive relationship
Ebsco (is that still in  effect?), and the content changes in Academic 
Universe have been dizzying. 
  I think David and Aline make good points -- particularly the reminder
libraries should include a clause in their  contracts with aggregators
loss of content above a certain threshold should trigger a rebate, and
observation that  publishers often don't understand how their products
used or the consequences of choosing one or another distribution 
We need to work with publishers to help them understand these things
  But as Aline notes, we need to remember that the aggregators are in a 
position similar to that of libraries: they are  mediators with little 
control over the first-party publishers whose content they distribute. 
Libraries can't control the content  interruption when a publisher's
goes down, and it's important for our users (faculty, especially) to
understand  the risks inherent in our network structure. Similarly, 
aggregators can't fully control the business decisions made by their 
suppliers. As long as scholarly information is treated as a market
we will face these vagaries and need to  understand them as risks.
argument for open-access models in which the revenue stream is
of  subscription ... 
  -- Richard 
Richard Fyffe 
Assistant Dean of Libraries for Scholarly Communication 
University of Kansas 
502 Watson Library 
1425 Jayhawk Blvd. 
Lawrence, KS 66045 
Voice: (785) 864-4611 
Fax: (785) 864-5311 
Email: rfyffe@xxxxxx 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: Re: Publishers removing material from aggregators? 
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 13:00:30 -0500 
From: "Malcolm Hayward" <mhayward@xxxxxxx> 
To: "ACRL Scholarly Communication T.F." <SCHOLCOMM@xxxxxxx> 
If a journal editor/publisher can add something (a small but I think 
good scholarly journal, Studies in the Humanities), from our  end the
issue is filled with unknowns. If we sign with Ebsco, or  Gale, or
how much do we charge? If we are online with one of  these aggregators,
that spell the end of our subscriptions for  printed copies of the
(I would REALLY like some feedback on  THAT one.) Should we go entirely 
online? Such are the questions often  raised on EDITOR-L, and as far as
can tell, no one has come close to  a definitive answer. And the fear
giving over our publication  operations, to some extent, to an
aggregator is 
in no small part a  thinking about the future. Say Ebsco or some other
provider goes  bankrupt. Can't happen? Bet it can. Then what happens to
distribution system for scholarly communication? I will keep printing 
copies on actual paper for as long as I can, but what's coming? ... 
Malcolm Hayward, Editor 
Studies in the Humanities 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: Publishers removing material from aggregators?]] 
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 21:17:10 -0800 
From: Julia Gelfand <jgelfand@xxxxxxx> 
To: "ACRL Scholarly Communication T.F." <SCHOLCOMM@xxxxxxx> 
My experience in recent years mirrors exactly what has been described -
newspapers were the first to do this, originally contributing content
packages and now moreorless requiring individual subscriptions to each 
newspaper archive.  Lexis-Nexis is infamous for changing content and
of backfiles; the Gale Group is also notorious for not offering full 
coverage of many issues that they index.  Thus, the story about 
selective content is not a new one.  Monitoring the shifts is labor 
intensive at times of severe shortages where staff is already
performing a 
range of duties. 
Information providers are becoming far more multifunctional than just 
serving as a mount for databases, or as a serials vendor.  Serving as
aggregator suggests that they provide a range of services confusing 
customers about what they do best. 
I think that previous commentators are totally correct when they
libraries may want to educate their user populations about the network 
structure of how we get information and the different models of
and aggregation. 
The Sage effort to offer packages of up to 20 year revolving backfiles
their journal collections in specified fields, where a subscriber does
have perpetual access is problematic to me.  Libraries want online
for a variety of reasons - searching, linking from databases, user 
preferences, space planning, etc.  However, annual payments for
seems redundant.   Taylor & Francis is also changing its course for
access to its extended family of publications.  From offering several 
options, via Ingenta, etc, now T&F and its entire list is moving to 
MetaPress, a division of EBSCO, which has hosted some T&F content
for quite 
a while and more is migrating.  I have also just learned that MetaPress
also working with Springer and will be the new host of Springer Link.
Learning to cope with even greater dosages of ambiguity appears to be
natural lifestyle these days.  How successful libraries will be in 
influencing publishers remains to be seen.  But I think that there is
to be done here. 
To complicate things further, we are seeing professional societies
subscription fees for online access by 75% (AAAS for Science Online in
trying to offset reduction in membership by raising institutional 
subscriptions to maintain the revenue streams. This to me is a more 
fundamental problem related to scholarly communication and one I would
to see addressed. 
Julia Gelfand 
DRM is Theft!  We are the Stakeholders! 
New Yorkers for Fair Use 
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I reserve no rights restricting copying, modification or distribution
this incidentally recorded communication.  Original authorship should
attributed reasonably, but only so far as such an expectation might
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OAI-general mailing list 

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