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[PADG:1963] Announcement - Preserving America's Printed Resources - July 21, 2003 - Chicago, IL (Revised)

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Preserving America’s Printed Resources

Toward a National Collection Management and Preservation Plan

Chicago, Illinois

July 21, 2003


In cooperation with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) will host a conference and planning event to inform and shape a national action agenda for preserving the nation’s printed heritage.  


The conference will address a matter of pressing concern to the U.S. library world in recent years: preservation of the rapidly growing corpus of printed library materials.  Formulating a viable strategy to ensure the long-term survival of the nation’s important paper-based collections was identified as a community-wide priority by the Council on Library and Information Resources in its influential report The Evidence in Hand.  In 2001, following Nicholson Baker’s criticism of library preservation of newspapers in his book Double Fold, the Library of Congress called for a national preservation planning conference to focus on “printed materials in original format.” 


The conference Preserving America’s Printed Resources will take place in Chicago on July 21, 2003.  Conferees will explore high-level preservation strategies affecting multiple libraries and broad sectors of the community.  The program will bring together a slate of presenters from the U.S. and abroad who are actively engaged in major repository and “collection of record” programs.  Such programs range from the American Antiquarian Society’s pre-1876 American imprints preservation program to efforts to rationalize “last-copy” preservation among Australian university libraries.  Presenters will detail the successes and innovations of existing inter-institutional efforts, and propose realistic cooperative measures that might build upon those efforts to ensure the long-term survival of printed heritage materials.  


The conference is for librarians, archivists, preservation planners, collection development officers, policymakers, and others involved in managing print collections of long-term research value.  The event will provide new information about existing cooperative efforts, to inform local decision-making and facilitate moving from the current state of independent, regional and local repository initiatives to a coordinated, community-wide print preservation effort. 


Confirmed presenters include: 

Willis Bridegam (Five Colleges), Ellen Dunlap (American Antiquarian Society), Deanna Marcum and Abby Smith (CLIR), Robert Martin (IMLS), Steve O’Connor (CAVAL), Brian Schottlaender (University of California at San Diego), William Walker (New York Public Library), Nancy Davenport (Library of Congress, Dan Greenstein (California Digital Library), and Pentti Vatulainen (Finnish National Repository Library).

Admission to the conference is free with confirmed registration. 

Conference registration and expanded program information will be posted at www.crl.edu on April 1, 2003. Contact Tracy Rosenberg at rosenberg@xxxxxxx or (773) 955-4545 x 317 if you have other questions.

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