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[PADG:1868] SOLINET Preservation Winter Workshop Listing 2003

SOLINET, Inc., the Southeastern Library Network, is pleased to announce our
Winter 2003 preservation workshop schedule (Please excuse cross-posting): 

***************ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND MONITORING***************** 

Thursday, February 6, 2003 at Mississippi State University, Mississippi
State, MS from 9am - 4 pm. 

The most cost-effective strategy to preserve our documentary resources is by
controlling temperature, relative humidity, and pollutants. This workshop
will help library staff identify the source of problems, monitor the
environment, and develop strategies for affecting change in their
institution. It will include an extensive packet of resource materials, plus
exhibits of state-of-the-art monitoring equipment. Instructor is Dr. Michael
Trinkley, Director of Chicora Foundation. 

Cost for $105 SOLINET members, all membership categories, ($95 early bird,
$130 late registration); $145 Non-SOLINET members ($135 early bird, $170
late registration). Any institution within Mississippi qualifies for the
member rate.

*****************DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND RECOVERY*******************
Thursday, February 13th, 2003 at Jacksonville State University,
Jacksonville, AL from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Libraries and archives are vulnerable to a variety of disasters ranging from
fires and flooding to roof leaks and mold outbreaks. Through lecture, group
exercises, and demonstration, this workshop will provide the training
necessary to plan, organize, and execute a disaster plan and salvage
Cost is $105 SOLINET members, all member categories ($95 early bird, $130
late registration);  $145 Non-SOLINET members ($135 early bird, $170 late
registration). Any institution within Alabama qualifies for the member rate.


Wednesday, February 19th, 2003 at the Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA from
9:00am - 4:00pm.

The issue of long-term access to digital information has become an issue of
increasing concern to institutions, information professionals, and the
preservation community. Organizations are rising to the challenge through
collaboration and research in order to find best practices and define
standards that can be followed. Best practices to the digital preservation
challenge are emerging and information professionals now have some models to
This one-day session is designed to introduce the concepts and challenges of
preserving digital information. Topics covered include: The concept of
preservation in a digital world, management of digital collections (born
digital and converted collections), licensing, selection criteria, metadata,
preservation best practices, and discussion of various research efforts. 

Cost for $155 SOLINET members, all membership categories, ($145 early bird,
$180 late registration); $195 Non-SOLINET members ($185 early bird, $220
late registration). Any institution within Virginia qualifies for the member

**************FUNDAMENTALS OF BOOK REPAIR***************
Wednesday-Thursday, February 26-27, 2003 at the University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL from 8:30 am - 5 pm.
This two-day workshop is designed for staff members who perform book repair
in libraries and those who supervise repair units. The workshop teaches
simple, economical, and preservation quality repairs for materials in
general, circulating, and reference collections. The procedures covered are
tightening hinges, endsheet replacement, spine replacement, paper mending,
tip-ins, and hinge-ins.
The workshop will NOT cover techniques for the repair of materials that are
special, rare, or archival.
Cost is $175 SOLINET members, all membership categories, ($165 early bird,
$200 late registration); $215 Non-SOLINET members ($205 early bird, $240
late registration). Any institution within Alabama qualifies for the member

**************PREPARACION PARA PREVENIR DESASTRES******************** 

Fecha y lugar: martes 18 de marzo de 2003. Universidad de Puerto Rico,
Facultad de Ciencias y Técnicas de la Información.

Las bibliotecas tanto como los archivos son vulnerables a una variedad de
desastres. Algunas colecciones se han dañado a causa de fuego, humo,
inundaciones, pipas de agua que han estallado o goteado, y un sinnúmero de
desastres similares. Para prevenir la pérdida innecesaria de materiales, los
bibliotecarios y archivistas deben estar preparados para manejar accidentes
de pequeña escala, así como emergencias a grande escala. Esta preparación
depende de que las instituciones cuenten con los servicios de personal
capacitado, así como planes escritos para enfrentar situaciones de
emergencia, para que así el menor número de desastres ocurran y garantizar
que los materiales dañados puedan restaurarse exitosamente. El personal de
las bibliotecas debe ser capacitado también en las técnicas y procedimientos
apropiados de recuperación de materiales.

Precio: $105 Dólares para los miembros de cualquier categoría de SOLINET
($90 inscripción temprana, $130 inscripción fuera del período); $145 Dólares
para las personas que no son miembros de SOLINET ($135 inscripción temprana,
$170 inscripción fuera del período). A cualquier institución de Puerto Rico
se le otorga la tarifa de membresía. 

**************BASIC COLLECTIONS CARE**************
Getting one more circulation out of the latest John Grisham novel

Wednesday, March 19th, 2003 at Dekalb County Public Library, Decatur Branch,
Decatur, GA from 9:00am - 4:00 pm
Public library and school media center circulating collections are subjected
to a lot of wear and tear.  Most libraries perform some minor repair on
their damaged materials.  Despite staff members' good intentions, some
materials and procedures used can shorten the useful life of the book, make
it hard to open, and cause more problems later.  

This one-day workshop will teach staff how to minimize damage to collections
by learning proper use, handling and storage of collections.  Also covered
are simple, economical and preservation-quality repairs on materials for
public libraries.  The session emphasizes techniques that are most often
needed in public libraries, do not require expensive equipment and supplies,
and can be performed successfully by clerical or student support staff after
a short training period.  

The workshop will NOT cover techniques for the repair of research
collections or materials that are special, rare, or archival.

Cost for $115 SOLINET members, all membership categories, ($105 early bird,
$140 late registration); $155 Non-SOLINET members ($145 early bird, $180
late registration). Any institution within Georgia qualifies for the member

For more information or to register, contact Vanessa Richardson at
800-999-8558, vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx> or visit our website at
www.solinet.net for full descriptions and online registration.
These workshops are funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment
for the Humanities, Division of Preservation and Access.

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