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[PADG:1656] FW: good article on archiving digital materials

     Thought you all might like to see this.

Robert E. Schnare
Library Director
Naval War College
686 Cushing Road
Newport, RI 02841-1207
phone: 401-841-2641
fax:   401-841-6491
e-mail  schnarer@xxxxxxxxxxxx 

-----Original Message-----
From: Patricia Cruse [mailto:Patricia.Cruse@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 7:08 PM
To: GOVDOC-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: good article on archiving digital materials

There is a terrific article on some of the pitfalls associated with digital
preservation in the current issue of Progressive Librarian.  One of the
nice things about this article is that it talks about many of the issues
associated with preserving and archiving government information.  There is
a also an extensive bibliography and information about a report done by the
State Documents Interest Group of the Documents Association of New Jersey.
If you have time check it out.

Title: "Why Do We Need to Keep This in Print? It's on the Web...": A Review
of Electronic Archiving Issues and Problems,

Author: Dorothy Warner

URL: http://libr.org/PL/19-20_Warner.html

Patricia Cruse
Manager, Government Information Initiatives
California Digital Library
Office of the President
University of California
415 20th Street,
Oakland, CA 94612-3550

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