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[PADG:1536] PADG midwinter: preserving historic AV collections

Preservation Administration Discussion Group
ALA Mid-Winter in New Orleans,
Louisiana 2002

PADG (ALCTS/PARS Preservation Administration Discussion Group) meets
Saturday, January 19 from 9:30am to 12:30pm in the Hilton, Grand Salon
B-9. In addition to the customary reports, announcements, proclamations,
notices, and revelations, there will be a panel discussion on
preservation challenges of magnetic media collections. Three of our
colleagues (Janet Gertz, Columbia University; Yvonne Carignan, University
of Maryland; and Andrew Hart, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill) will describe important collections in their institutions, and
comment on preservation needs. Dan Gaydos from VidiPax, a magnetic media
reformatting and preservation service, will talk about current standards,
practices, as well as new research and preservation possibilities for
media collections. Jeff Field from NEH will talk about the importance of
these collections, and about NEH programs to support AV preservation.
There will be time for questions and discussion of these issues. A second
discussion topic will be the irradiation of mail and its effects on
library material.  The chairs of all ALCTS/PARS discussion groups
are invited to give a brief announcement/reminder of topics and locations
at the beginning of PADG. Andrew Hart will report on the CLIR study
"The State of Preservation in American College and Research
Libraries." Other announcements will follow the discussions. For
questions or more information about PADG, please contact co-chairs Karen
Brown (kebrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) or Ann Olszewski

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