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[PADG:1482] NISO unveils new web site

Bethesda, Md., USA ? (October 27, 2001) NISO, the National Information
Standards Organization is pleased to announce the unveiling of its
completely revised web site accessible at http://www.niso.org.  In
redesigning the web site, NISO aims to help all members of the standards
community find, learn about, and use standards information.  The new
"Quicklist" feature is a simple list in numerical order of all approved
standards.  All of NISO?s approved standards are easily accessible on the
site.  NISO is the only standards organization that makes its standards
available for free downloading.  The web site also allows users to order all
NISO Press publications in hardcopy.

In addition, users can find information on Standards Committees, their
membership, their progress and their working drafts.  The Standards
Development Pipeline section shows users where each standard is in the
development cycle.  Because NISO understands the global nature of the
information industry, you will also find material on the international
standards community and NISO?s place in this community.  The membership
section of the new NISO web site explains the benefits and opportunities
inherent in NISO membership and allows voting members to access private
sections where NISO business is conducted.

Many web pages include a variety of links that point to in depth and related
resources.  Each page also includes a direct link to the site searching
function, the NISO calendar, and contact information for NISO staff,
directors and Standards Committees.  NISO has a goal to make this web site
the place to go for all sorts of resources about information standards and
welcomes your feedback.

About NISO:
NISO is the only U.S. group accredited by the American National Standards
Institute to develop and promote technical standards for use in information
delivery services providing voluntary standards for libraries, publishers
and related information technology organizations.  All NISO standards are
developed by consensus under the guidance of experts and practitioners in
the field to meet the needs of both the information user and the producer.
For information about NISO?s current standardization interests and
membership possibilities, please visit the NISO website at

For additional information contact NISO Headquarters at (301) 654-2512.
Email: nisohq@xxxxxxxx

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