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[PADG:1312] Re: ILL Stickers (fwd)


Have you by any chance read any of Nicholson Baker's Double Fold?

- Walter

>>> rpeek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 05/07/01 09:51AM >>>
Here at the UR we have a slightly different ILLiad procedure that might interest you. In the beginning we simply transferred the ILLiad sticker to a streamer and then wrapped the streamer around the front cover. The borrowing institution would usually affix their return ILLiad sticker directly over the UR sticker on the wrapper. Our crack ILL staff then developed an even more efficient practice of downloading the ILLiad file directly to Word and using the printout of the file as the wrapper. And this procedure seems to work quite well. (Of course upon return of the borrowed item, we immediately send the book off for microfilming so that we can discard the original, as we are wont to do, without doing any bibliographic searching for the availability of copies held elsewhere and of course, foregoing any and all filming prep and quality control inspection.)

If you have any questions, please feel to contact me. If I can't provide the answer, the message will be forwarded  to our experienced and well-trained ILL professionals for an immediate response. Our ILL staff have spent many years in what I'm sure sometimes seems like a thankless job dedicating themselves to facilitating access for off-site users and delivering the materials post haste to hack writers who will then be in a better position to further their miserable careers by producing poorly researched but fast-selling jeremiads which quote people out of context, stretch reality to the point of being unrecognizable, distort the truth to the point of libel and slander and otherwise humiliate the entire profession who serve them so willingly by calling into question their suitability to do the very jobs they do. 

Anyway, our ILL department seems very pleased with how the Word document/printout practice is working and I am pleased with the labeling practice, from a preservation point-of-view. 



Richard Peek
Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation Division
University of Rochester Libraries
(716) 275-9285

>>> l-olley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 04/30/01 03:45PM >>>
I haven't seen these labels, but just want to point out that there's 
nothing wrong with the sticker per se, as long as it is affixed to a flag 
or wrapper and not to the volume itself.

At 03:19 PM 04/30/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>This is excellent detective work.
>The following URL links to an example of the sticker.  Get a load of the
>example ILLiad uses to demonstrate the sticker and then shed a little tear.
>  If you back out of the URL, you can get to a description of the borrowing
>Now for the next step.  Should PADG, ALA, a self-appointed group, or
>someone draft a letter to ILLiad about their little sticker?
>At 11:44 AM 4/30/01 -0700, you wrote:
> >Our ILL guru here at Davis sent me the following very interesting and
> >informative message about these stickers.
> >
> >------------------------------------------
> >   Nancy Kushigian
> >   Digital Initiatives and Preservation Librarian,
> >     English Literatures and Classics Bibliographer
> >   Shields Library
> >   University of California, Davis
> >   Davis, California 95616
> >   530-754-4337
> >   njkushigian@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> >------------------------------------------
> >
> >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 10:12:02 -0700
> >From: Gail Nichols <gmnichols@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: Nancy Kushigian <njkushigian@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: Re: [PADG:1297] ILL Stickers (fwd)
> >
> >We have received these stickers from Virginia Tech.  They are produced by
> >the Illiad Interlibrary Loan software.  When we received the first one, I
> >personally sent an email to ILL at Virginia Tech telling them not to use
> >them on our books.  When we received the second one back from Virginia Tech,
> >we stopped loaning books to them, and told them why we would no longer loan
> >to them.  A year ago Illiad was sold to OCLC, and the product is becoming
> >more used.  I suspect that more institutions than we know are using them,
> >but removing them before sending books back to the lending library.  It
> >would be very helpful if the preservation folks would make some noise about
> >this practice; little libraries (that don't have long term preservation
> >concerns) don't understand why this is a bad practice.
> >
> >Here is a web site listing current users of Illiad
> >(http://www.illiad.oclc.org/users/index.stm).  There are a number of ARL
> >users, but of course it's not possible to know for sure who uses the labels
> >as part of their process.
> >--Gail
>Paul Conway
>Head, Preservation Department


Lorraine Olley
Head, Preservation Department
Northwestern University Library
1935 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208
847-491-4672 v
847-491-8306 f

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