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[PADG:1309] (no subject)

Attached are WordPerfect and MS Word versions of the drafted, revised ALA
Preservation Policy.  In preparation for discussion at the ALA annual
conference this summer, I would appreciate your comments and suggested
revisions.  If you can get your replies to me by May 11, I will have time
to revise and send out a new revision to you.

Thanks for your help on this!


Irene Schubert, Chief                   Telephone: (202) 707-5918
Preservation Reformatting Division            FAX: (202) 707-6449
Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540    E-mail: isch@xxxxxxx

Usual disclaimers apply

ALA Pres Pol

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\pard \sl0 

{\plain \fs26 }{\plain \b\f1 }{\plain \f1 }{\plain \b\fs26 DRAFT REVISION of Preservation Policy}{\plain \tab Revised January 12, 2001\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain American Library Association\par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain \b Preamble}{\plain :\par

}{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association's policy on preservation is based on its goal of ensuring that every 

individual has access to information at the time needed and in a format the individual can 

use.  ALA affirms that the preservation of library resources is essential in order to protect 

the public's right to the free flow of information as embodied in the First Amendment to 

the Constitution and the Library Bill of Rights.{\super \chftn {\footnote \pard \sa240 

{\plain \super \chftn }{}{\plain http://www.ala.org/work/freedom/lbr.html}}}

}{\plain \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association supports the preservation of information published in all media and 

formats.  The Association affirms that the preservation of information resources is central 

to libraries and librarianship\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li1440\sl0 

{\plain Libraries and librarians must be committed to preserving their collections through 

appropriate and non-damaging storage, remedial treatment of damaged and fragile 

items, preservation of materials in their original format when appropriate, 

replacement or reformatting of deteriorated materials, appropriate security 

measures, and life-cycle management of electronic publications to assure their 

usefulness for future generations. \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li1440\sl0 

{\plain  Libraries that create, maintain and share bibliographic records and other metadata 

associated with physical and digital objects in their collections enhance security, 

access, and preservation of collections and facilitate collaborative efforts in 

protecting the Nation\'92s cultural heritage.\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}{\plain \par


}{\plain \par

}{\plain \b Standards}{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain The Association and its Divisions will work closely with standards-setting organizations to 

identify and develop standards relevant to preservation of library collections, participate in the 

periodic review and updating of existing standards, identify and develop new standards where the 

need for them is perceived, and  promote compliance with those that exist.    The Association 

will actively support division and other organizations in writing preservation guidelines which 

may be preliminary to official national and international standards.  \par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain }{\plain \b Permanence and Durability of Library Collection Media and Content}{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association believes that manufacturers, publishers, distributors and purchasers of 

information media, e.g., paper, film, tape, electronic publications, must address the 

usability, durability and longevity of those products. \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain It is the Association\'92s official position that publishers and manufacturers have an 

obligation and a responsibility to libraries and to the public to report appropriate 

information about the usability, durability and longevity of media.  The Association urges 

publishers to use paper and other media meeting standards promulgated by the American 

National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) 

for all publications of enduring value and to include a statement of compliance on the 

verso of the title page of a book or the masthead or copyright area of a periodical, and in 

catalogs, advertising and bibliographic references.  \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association will engage in active education and public relations efforts to develop, 

promote, and publicize standards for the permanence and durability of information media.\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \fi-6480\li6480\sl0\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480 

{\plain \b Permanence and Longevity of Electronic Information}{\plain \tab \tab \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association believes that publishers and distributors of content in digital form must 

address the usability and longevity of content of electronic works.  Publishers are 

encouraged to provide metadata which will facilitate the life cycle management of works 

in digital formats and to deposit digital works in repositories which will assure the long 

term persistence and usability of content.   The Association will work with electronic 

publishers to develop guidelines governing the preservation of data so that information 

will not be lost when publishers can no longer economically retain and disseminate it.  \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association encourages research in the effect of metadata, software, operating 

systems, and life cycle management techniques on the longevity of digital works and the 

dissemination of results.  \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \b Public education on preservation}{\plain  \par

}{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain Impermanence of primary source documents threatens our ability to preserve local and 

family history.  Libraries around the country collect materials from individuals, local 

governments, and private and public institutions that document cultural and social 

history.  Typically, much of this material is intended as a record of current events rather 

than as permanent documentation.  Although citizens may know about the impermanent 

nature of newsprint, they are less likely to be aware of the highly impermanent nature of 

media such as color photographs and videotape,  even though these media ultimately 

constitute important primary resource documents.  This is an issue of enormous public 

concern, and libraries have an obligation Libraries around the country which collect these 

materials from individuals, local governments, and private and public institutions that 

document cultural and social history have an obligation (a) to inform donors, users, 

administrators and local officials about the ephemeral nature of these materials, (b) to 

promote strategies for the proper care, handling and storage of these materials, and (c) to 

recommend the use of more permanent materials and methods of documentation.  The 

Association will help libraries stimulate public interest in this issue and will make 

information available regarding the various courses of action that concerned individuals, 

organizations, and governments may take.\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain \b Federal Legislative Policy}{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The federal government must provide leadership in developing a more expansive and 

inclusive national preservation policy in terms of both programs and funding. This policy 

should link the efforts of national, state, and local libraries in preserving materials that 

document our cultural heritage and making their content widely available to all citizens. 

The federal government, by example, by policy, and by the efforts of its historical, 

cultural, and information institutions, should affirm the responsibility of all cultural 

institutions, including local and state libraries, to preserve and provide access to historical 

documents. Incentives are also needed to encourage private institutions to participate in 

the national effort.\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association urges the federal government to take responsibility for the longevity, 

stability, and durability of information published by the government in microform, in 

electronic format, and in other emerging technologies.\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The Association will work to increase preservation programs and funding through its 

ALA Washington Office and its Legislation Agenda.\par

}\pard \sl0 

{\plain \par

}{\plain \par

}{\plain \b Services and Responsibilities of Libraries\par

}{\plain \par

}\pard \li720\sl0 

{\plain The American Library Association urges all libraries and library professionals to initiate 

and support preservation of library  resources to ensure the continued availability of 

library materials to present and future generations of library users.  Libraries have a 

responsibility to provide for the preservation of their collections.  Preservation issues 

should be addressed during the planning for new buildings and additions to and 

renovations of existing buildings.   Basic preservation activities include appropriate and 

non\_damaging storage conditions, remedial treatment to keep materials usable for as long 

as they are needed, preservation of materials in their original format when appropriate, 

and replacement or reformatting of deteriorated materials.  In addition to already 

established activities for preserving paper and books, preservation strategies should be 

extended to new and emerging technologies, including the strategies to preserve digital 

objects to allow continued access.   Finally, libraries must be able to guarantee the 

security and integrity of their own computer systems, while ensuring legitimate access to 

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