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[PADG:1145] List of Lists

The following is extensively cross-posted. Apologies if you are not seeing it
for the first time.

Texte Francais suivant. / Mesajin Turkcesi en sondadir.
Do you know how many mailing lists there are on archives, records management
and related subjects? 

Find out yourself at 

Cette message a postee aux listes varieux. Excusez duplications SVP.

Savez-vous combien de lists de diffusion exist sur le sicence archivistique
et sujets relevants? Decouvrez a

Bu mesaj muhtelif listelere gonderilmistir. Ilk defa okumuyorsaniz kusura

Arsivcilik ve arsivcilikle ilgili konular (ve Turkiye tarihi) hakkinda kac
tane tartisma listesi oldugu hakkinda bir fikriniz var mi? Asagidaki adrese
gidip kendiniz kesfedin:


Greetings from Istanbul, Turkiye / Sevgiyle,
Bekir Kemal Ataman <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
ArchiMac BBS Sysop & Webmaster

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