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[PADG:1131] Cooperative Preservation Discussion Group

ALCTS/PARS Cooperative Preservation Discussion Group
ALA Midwinter Conference
Washington D.C.
Wyndham Hotel, West Room
Sunday, January 14, 2001
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Topic: Digitization and preservation: collaborative projects

Please join us for an informal discussion group session to explore
integrating preservation and digitization projects.  How can we best protect
rare and valuable material from damage during the scanning process?  Should
we recommend conservation before or after scanning?  Is it prudent to
include preservation expenses in grant proposals for digitization projects?
We welcome your suggestions, questions, and concerns.

Discussion facilitators:

Tom Clareson, Imaging & Preservation Services Manager, Amigos Library
Services, Inc, will discuss preservation issues in digital projects in
archives and libraries in the Southwestern United States.

Robin Dale, Program Officer, Research Library Group, will share theory and
practice information for preservation and digitization gathered from recent
conferences in the United Kingdom.

Steve Dalton, Director of Field Services, Northeast Document Conservation
Center, will provide an overview of the NEDCC publication, Handbook for
Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access.

Mary Wootton, Rare Book Conservator, Library of Congress will discuss
policies and procedures for the preservation of primary source material
developed by the Conservation Division at the Library of Congress for the
Digital Library Project.

Please address any questions, comments, or additions to
Robert James, rmjames@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or 
Tina Mason, tina_mason@xxxxxxxxxxx

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