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[PADG:1092] Re: Preservation Film Information

Cathy -

I wanted you to know I haven't forgotten you - had a couple of firefights and I'm just sitting down now to catch up on the stuff that didn't get done while I was dealing with them.  I'll deal with this early next week.


>>> cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10/27/00 02:06PM >>>
Good afternoon,

I have gotten many responses to my recent request for information on newer
Preservation related films to show at the American Library Association
Annual conference next summer in San Francisco.  A great big thanks to
everyone who responded with information on specific films.  There are at
least 4 newer ones which sound great that I will try to track down for
viewing at the Fest.  

In addition, I had a number of people contact me requesting a copy of the
videography I was updating/creating.  It seems that many people in the field
are still interested in using films/videos to promote preservation awareness
within their institutions. In hopes of creating a listing of these films
that is relatively up to date, accessible worldwide and perhaps eventually
searchable, I have decided to (try to!!) create some sort of Preservation
film Web site.  I have spoken with library administrators here at UF and
they are willing to host this site on the UF Library Web server.  It is my
thinking to include films in categories including, but not limited to,
disaster preparedness, basic education for staff and patrons,
environment/storage/exhibits, binding/book repair, and
other/various/general.  The listing would focus on films relating to
collections, paper and non-paper based, in libraries and archives.  If there
is a definite interest, it could be expanded to include films aimed at
museum collections as well.  Information to be included on the Web site for
each film might include title, author/creating agency, length, physical
format (VHS, slide, etc.), appropriate audience, availability (with links to
other sites as necessary), cost and a short synopsis.

My thinking on the exact structure of the Web site is still very tentative.
Is a simple listing enough?  Or will it need to be a database? Should it be
searchable?  How about ease of entering new and updating old information?
Who will decide if a film should be included?  Should films be previewed
before being added to the list?  What kind of limits should the listing
have?  Paper collections only?  paper and non-paper?  Library and archives
only?  What about museums?  Historical Societies?  Historic Preservation?

I would really appreciate some input from people with definite comments on
my idea.  Obviously, I do not have a ton of extra time to work on this
project, so in addition to comments, I am also gratefully accepting any
proffered help.  


Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation Department
Smathers Library
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gainesville, Fl 32611
352-392-6962 (voice)
352-392-6597 (fax)

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