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[PADG:1085] RE: ALA Preservation Policy

Joy: I know I am late but I have a few comments to offer.  The section on
page 2 needs to reflect the current state of digital archiving and the
digital word as of the year 2000 and for the near future. On page 3, the
federal agencies are now in danger, fighting for survival and have suffered
funding cuts, also IMLS is not mentioned. 

The federal government has never recognized its role in preserving its
materials let alone the rest of the material in the public and private
sector. Congress has done little to help preservation. 

On page 4, mention should be made of the Pell Law on Permanent Paper.

These are just a few quick comments.  Sorry for not sending them sooner.

Bob Schnare

Prof. Robert Schnare
U.S. Naval War College Library
Ph. (401)841-2641
Fax (401)841-6491

-----Original Message-----
From: Joy Paulson [mailto:jp243@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 1:39 PM
To: padg@xxxxxxx
Subject: [PADG:1054] ALA Preservation Policy

The ALCTS leadership has asked PARS to review 
the ALA Preservation Policy.  The policy was written
in 1990/1991, and I believe that this is the first
review of the policy.

As part of the review process, PARS Exec is soliciting
input from all PARS members.  Irene Schubert
(chair) and the PARS Policy, Planning, and
Research Committee will be leading the review
process in PARS.  Please take the time to review 
the policy and send any comments or suggestions
to Irene at isch@xxxxxxxx  Please respond by 
October 15, 2000.

The ALA Preservation Policy is available on-line at:

At a later date a draft revision will be shared with
the entire membership of PARS.

Joy Paulson
PARS Chair

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