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[PADG:1012] Binding Automation Discussion Group

[Please excuse the numerous cross list duplications.]

Good afternoon,

Please join us in Chicago at the upcoming American Library Association
Annual Conference for a demonstration of the new Internet Explorer 5.0
browser version of the binding automation software program ABLE.  This
version of ABLE has many new features, such as a Z-Link Z39.50 interface, an
A-Link Z39.76 interface, and a web binding information transfer.  The title
of the presentation, to be given by Paul Parisi of Acme Bookbinding (
www.acmebook.com ) and Bryan Scott of Information Conservation, Inc.
(www.icibinding.com )  is  ABLE 6.0 -The Next Generation  --- Overview of
new features and benefits.  Many within the library preservation and binding
vendor communities are eager to view the latest developments in the binding
automation field, so please join us!!  The hour long demonstration will be
conducted at the meeting of the Binding Automation Discussion Group
(affiliated with ALCTS/PARS). The group will meet in the McCormick
Convention Center, Room S404a, Saturday July 8th at 4:30.

ALA/ALCTS/PARS/Binding Automation Discussion Group
McCormick Center, Room S404a
Saturday, July 8, 4:30 to 5:30 pm
ABLE 6.0 Overview

Hope to see you there!!

Discussion Group Chairs  Cathy Mook and David Walls

Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation Department
Smathers Library
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gainesville, Fl. 32611
352-392-6962 (voice)
352-392-6596 (fax)

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