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[PADG:918] New Library Scene

At the ALA midwinter meeting of the Library Binding Discussion Group Jim Larsen, president of the Library Binding Institute, and Paul Parisi spoke about strategic planning being done by the organization in light of Sally Moyer's retirement. A planning committee, chaired by Paul, is looking into merging LBI with another trade organization with a similar mission in order to reduce administrative costs. Binding Industries of America, and Book Manufacturers Institute were among the groups mentioned. LBI members will vote in the early summer on the recommendations.
A question that came up during strategic planning was whether to continue publishing "New Library Scene" in its current form. One of the trade organizations that they are considering joining publishes "Binding Edge" and it would be possible to publish articles or have a column in that. At this point no decision has been made. Jim is soliciting comments from members of the Library Binding DG and the preservation community as to the usefulness of "New Library Scene" and what the readership would like done with it. Your comments, concerns, and ideas would be most appreciated in helping the members of LBI develop a plan for the future.
You may email Jim at: JimL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
**** Barb Sagraves Library Binding Discussion Group, chair sagraves@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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