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[PADG:861] LC National Digital Library Program announces release of NDLP Writers Handbook

This announcement is being widely posted

The Library of Congress National Digital Library Program (NDLP) has made
available on its program documentation page, Background Papers and
Technical Information,


a guide to the writing and editorial policies and practices of the NDLP
entitled ?The NDLP Writer?s Handbook.?


The handbook is intended to serve the needs of Library of Congress staff
and consultants involved in creating the introductory material (known as
the collection framework) that accompanies the American Memory
collections offered on the World Wide Web.  It was developed, written,
and designed as an online document with links to examples from American
Memory and elsewhere.  The Library hopes that making its "NDLP Writer's
Handbook" publicly available will benefit others working on similar Web projects.

The contents of the handbook include sections on writing and style, the
editorial process, and references for editorial support.  Subsections
detail instances where NDLP house style for online presentation differs
from conventional publishing norms.  The handbook represents the
collaborative work of many staff members of the NDLP and other Library
of Congress divisions.  It will continue to evolve in accordance with
needs of the program.

Please send all comments and questions about the handbook and other
parts of American Memory to: ndlpcoll@xxxxxxx

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