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Binding Automation Listserv

For those people who are interested in becoming involved in the continuing
discussions regarding the upcoming Z39.76 capable interface between Binding
Automation Software Programs (LARS and ABLE) and Integrated Library Systems
(such as Voyager, Horizon, Triple I, etc.), please sign up for LARS-L.
LARS-L, the listserv created 2 years ago to promote discussion about the
binding automation program LARS, has been chosen as the forum for continuing
and building on the discussions begun at this years Binding Automation
Discussion Group (ALCTS/PARS) that was recently held at the ALA Midwinter
conference.  Librarians, Commercial Library Binders and ILS Vendors are all
encouraged to contribute to these discussions.

It is the list owners intention to eventually change the name of this list
from LARS-L to something else that more accurately reflects the changing
nature of the discussions to be held on the list.  If you sign up now, your
subscription will carry over when the name change takes place.

To subscribe to LARS-L, please send the message below:

Subscribe LARS-L first name last name 

(For example  Subscribe LARS-L Cathy Mook)

To the following email address:

Listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please let me know directly.


Cathleen L.  Mook
Head, Binding Unit
Box 117007
George A. Smathers Library
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-7007
Tel: (352) 392-6962 Fax: (352) 392-6597
Email: Cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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