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What is the future of Kodak Photo CD?

**  This message is cross posted and we apologize for any duplication. **

Coinciding with the release of our Kodak Photo CD brochure a couple of
months ago, a rumor was started that Kodak is dropping the Kodak Photo CD
technology.  In an attempt to investigate this rumor, we spoke with a
number of Eastman Kodak staff members, and reviewed the recent Kodak Photo
CD product literature and press releases.  We summarized our conclusions in
the August 15, 1998 issue of RLG DigiNews: 


Oya Y. Rieger & Anne R. Kenney

PS: Our brochure, "Using Kodak Photo CD Technology for Preservation and
Access: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Curators," is available at: 


Oya Y. Rieger
Digital Projects Librarian
Cornell University Library
701 Olin Library
Ithaca, NY 14853

Email: oyr1@xxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: (607) 254-5160


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