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library binding draft standard

  At the recent meeting of the ALA/PARS Library Binding Discussion
Group, a draft standard for library binding was discussed with comments
noted. The NISO/LBI joint ctte. responsible for the work would be pleased
to incorporate additional comments received by August 1, 1998, prior to
submitting it to NISO for formal review and approval by NISO voting
members (including ALA). The LBI already has reviewed and approved the
current draft.

   The draft of the ANSI/NISO/LBI Standard for Library Binding, which can
be viewed and downloaded in MS Word or .pdf, is at
http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Binding/index.html. Comments should be
forwarded to Paul Parisi, email: paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx

   Many thanks, Barclay (Chair of the NISO/LBI ctte)

Barclay Ogden
Head, Preservation Department and
Digital Library R&D Department
110A Main Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
FAX 510/642-4664
email: bogden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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