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Special Materials Reading Room at LC

Dear Colleagues,

The Library of Congress is creating a Special Materials Reading Room for
special formats and medium security items which is to open early next
year.  Services provided and/or collections served will include:

--Materials with loose plates and other items vulnerable to loss or theft; 
--Brittle material not yet reformatted or other fragile items;
--Special formats such as a book about carpentry shaped like a hammer;
--Books less than 10 cm. in height;
--"Medium rare" materials (those out of scope for special collections but
  of higher value than items in the general collections; 
--Microforms and electronic media (CD ROMS, program disks, etc.)

While the Library of Congress currently segregates collections by format
rather than subject on other reading rooms (Prints and Photographs
Division, Motion Picture and Recorded Sound Division)this proposed group
of special materials is more disparate and hence more problematic to house
and serve.  A committee has been formed (of course) and we are interested
in any policies and procedures developed by other institutions who have
provided services for similare materials.  We are particularly interested
in any input on the following:

1.  Policies on restricted use.  For example, how do you determine which
materials are not allowed to circulate?  Which materials may be served
only on-site with staff supervision?  Which materials may be photocopied?

2.  Selection criteria for "medium rare."

3.  Treatment or housing otions for special format materials and miniature

4.  Stack arrangement.  Are materials arranged by format in classifies
call number order?  In fixed location or sequential number order?  By
size?  Combinations of the above?

5.  Layout of reading room.  Do you serve miniature books at a particular
table only?  Is there space set aside for use of folios?  

6.  Policies and training materials for the care and handling of these
materials.  Are there special procedures for enhanced security?

7.  Policies and training materials for photocopying proctices.  Are
photocopy services available in the reading room or elsewhere? Is the
photocopy service staff operated or self service?  Does it depend on the
item?  Are there special services for folio volumes?  For Fragile

Thanks in advance for your assistance and advice on any of these or
related issues that come to mind. 


Marney Canick
Library of Congress, Special Materials Reading Room Committee

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