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BOUNCE ozcons@charvolant.org: Approval required:

Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 09:23:34 +1000
From: "David Hallam" <d.hallam@nma.gov.au>
To: <ozcons@charvolant.org>
Subject: Re: search report

try the getty.

Moderator's note: The Getty has a publication for sale called "Oxygen
Free Museum cases". This may be what David is referring to. Details can
be found on the Getty website at this address:

>>> YWLie@npm.gov.tw 08/05/00 01:44pm >>>
Dear Sir:
I hope you can help me .  I am searching for
research report of using nitrogen gas  under  controlled RH 
in hermitical storage case in museum.  Do you have any 
reference I could persue?   I am in need of something general.
 Thank you ! 

Yun-Wha Lie

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