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Air Quality


 just to add my bit about air quality, we've been in contact with Steve
 Brown from CSIRO's Building, Construction and Engineering Division
 concerning air quality and volatile organic compounds.  Mainly in
 relation to VOC emissions from building materials including paints.
 They will test products using a a specially set up chamber to
 determine what is emitted and in what quantities. I've got a pamphlet
 lying around somewhere, but I can't remember the details off hand.
 Companies like Wattyl and Dulux have had their paint systems tested
 using CSIRO's facilities and now promote those paints "Breatheasy" as
 low emitting products.  An interesting point about these paints are
 that they have been tested as paint films on glass so the results are
 not related to application techniques and application to specific
 materials like plaster board,  which require yet another level of
 testing and not one that the paint companies want to spend their money
 on.   Steve is very keen to set up joint research projects and work in
 the area of air quality for museums.   Like alot of government
 departments he's supposed to generate some of the departments income,
 so he would be looking a grant applications as well.  He has a wealth
 of knowledge in this area.  I've got his phone number if anyone wants
 to contact him.

 Michelle Berry

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