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Just a few admin type things

First up - my apologies - a couple of messages got sent to the mailing
list when people actually meant to reply just to each other. From now on
I will keep a closer watch on what gets approved. However I'll just
remind people - if you see a message from Ozcons and just use the reply
function your reply message will come to me at Ozcons. If you want to
reply privately to a message on Ozcons you must create a new message and
put in the address of the person you want the message to go to.

Secondly, after the first flurry of new recruits we are now static at
about 8 members. Hopefully this will increase when people see the blurb
about the list in the AICCM Newsletter, but I think we all need to make
an effort to encourage other people we think will benefit from the list
to subscribe.  Otherwise we are all going to get very sick and tired of
each other and the list will die an early death.

Thirdly, thanks for sending those Scisig notes around David. However I
still feel very at sea without being able to see the original paper. I
tried emailing Karen Coote to see if she could send us a copy of the
original CMHWG paper, but the email address I have for her seems to be
out of
date. Does anyone know her current email, or that of anyone else of the
HWG - Ian Cook perhaps? It would be good to know what the current status
of CMHWG is as well.


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