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[frameconnews] Conservation mounting and framing training day

I thought that the members of the group might be interested in the following

Nicholas Burnett

Interested in conservation mounting & framing?

Opportunity for training with an accredited conservator

On the 25th of June 2002 the Institute of Paper Conservation will be holding
The venue is the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly,
London.  The day will be led by IPC member, Graeme Storey MA, ACR MIPC

Do you ever work on historic artworks?  Or perhaps you mount and frame
valuable contemporary art.  If so, this event is for you.  This one-day
workshop is tailored to the needs of commercial framers who wish to learn
more about practical conservation framing and mounting techniques.  Others
interested in the subject are also welcome.

Sadly, very serious damage is caused to artworks by poor quality materials
and techniques.   The workshop aims to help prevent this.  The workshop

. look at the different types of mount board and hinging materials.

. examine visible signs of deterioration, i.e. what to look for when
inspecting customers' artworks.

. include practical demonstrations of paste making and hinge cutting, with
the opportunity for individual practice.

. talk about the training and the work of conservators, what they do and

. explore the considerable advantages to the commercial framer in building a
working relationship with a conservator.  Details of how to contact local
specialist conservators will be available.

. provide details of materials suppliers and non-damaging techniques.

. leave time for questions throughout the day.

Costs: �60 per person for bookings before the 25th of May, �70 for bookings
after the 25th of May.  Coffee, a sandwich lunch and tea are included in the
price.  Please advise of any special dietary requirements.

Contact Clare Hampson,
The Institute of Paper Conservation
Leigh Lodge
WR6 5LB     Telephone 01886 832323
      Fax 01886 833688
e-mail: information@ipc.org.uk


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