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[frameconnews] North American Textile Conservation Conference 2000

North American Textile Conservation Conference
Textile Symposium 2000
Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina
March 29-31, 2000

The Second Biennial Symposium of the NATCC will be hosted by the Biltmore House Textile Conservation staff.  The meeting will take place at the historic Grove Park Inn, an Arts and Crafts landmark located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. 

The symposium theme, "Conservation Combinations," will explore collaborations between textile conservators and other professionals.  Collaborative projects involve textile conservators and scientists, curators, designers, artists, archeologists, other conservators, etc.  For more information contact the Textile Conservation Staff, Biltmore House, One North Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28801, USA; (828) 274-6270; Fax: (828) 277-3454; E-mail: textilescon@biltmore.com.  Or visit the web-site:  www.biltmore.com/symposium.html

Conference Presentations:

Keynote Address:  Elizabeth Wayland Barber, "The Mummies of Chinese Turkistan"

J. Barnett,  "Dudok's Town Hall in Hilversum:  the reconstruction of the interior textiles"
D. Blum, S. Reiter, and V. Whelan, "The Ormerod Bedcover:  research and treatment"
N. Buenger,  "Wet with Blood:  the investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's cloak"
I. Calinescu and C. Varnell,  "The Resurrection of an American Film Star:  the beloved Cowardly Lion"
B. Cases and A. M. Rojas,  "Preventive Conservation:  technical recording and making a reproduction of a late Chinchorro infant-mummy"
J. Eisenberg and H. Irgang,  "'Shade of Faith':  the conservation of a painted Sukkah interior"
S. Foskett,  "Are Yeez 'appy:  the framing and installation of banners for the Museum of Scotland"
S. Fran�ois, C. Brault, and M.M. Brooks,   "M�moire corporative:  strategies in creating a theatrical costume collection while performing arts"
J. Gardiner,  J. Carlson, L. Eaton, and K. Duffy,  "'That Fabric Seems Extremely Bright':  non-destructive characterization of nineteenth century mineral dyes via XRF analysis"
R. Hanson,  "Melding Eighteenth Century Traditions with Twentieth Century Technologies:  cr�che crisis culminates in Christmas collaboration"
K. Kiefer and J. Scheer,  "Expanding Conservation Cleaning Options:  collaboration with a professional drycleaner"
S. Mathisen and C. Perrone Da Zara,  "Collaborating Over Seas:  the textile conservation project at Villa La Pietra"
Dr. N. Odegaard, M. Jacobs, M. Pool, and T. Braun,  "Threads and Treads:  woven sandals from the Southwest"
O. Negnevitsky and T. Schick "Conservation and Study of Four 6000 Year-Old Textiles From
the Judean Desert"
L. Rom�n and A. Gutierrez, "Conservation Treatment of an Eighteenth Century Mexican Feather Costume"
J. Vuori, D. Hartin, S. Tse, and A. Maheaux,  "Local Stain Removal from Oceanie, la Mer by Henri Matisse:  the development of a reducing bleach technique using a textile suction disk, ultrasonic mister and airbrush"

In addition to the symposium special tours will be made to:
* The Southern Highland Craft Guild
* Biltmore Estate
* Carl Sandburg Home and Cradle of Forestry Tour
* Penland School of Crafts

Special textile exhibitions will be held at:
* Asheville Art Museum, "Remnants of Memory" 
* Blue Spiral Gallery, "Contemporary Fiber:   6 + 6"
* The Southern Highland Craft Guild Gallery at the Folk Art Center, "Save the Sheep"

The North American Textile Conservation Conference ( NATCC) was founded in 1994.  The goal of the NATCC is to provide opportunities for textile conservators, curators, scientists, and other related textile professionals to meet and publish. Our aim is to be an inclusive organization with a regular rotation of steering committee members. The first symposium, "Fabric of an Exhibition: An Interdisciplinary Approach", held in Ottawa in 1997, was well attended and we are pleased with the steady demand for the publication. The program for our next meeting in Asheville, North Carolina in March of 2000 promises to be equally enjoyable and informative.  Future meetings will be hosted by other institutions throughout North America. The NATCC Steering Committee currently has the following members:

Deborah Bede, private practice
Julia Burke, National Gallery of Art
Linda Eaton, Winterthur Museum
Patricia Ewer, Biltmore House
Catherine C. McLean, Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Jane Merritt, US Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Chris Paulocik, The Costume Institute, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sara Reiter, Philadelphia Museum of Art
Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Deborah Trupin, New York State Bureau of Historic Sites
Cara Varnell, private practice
Jan Vuori, Canadian Conservation Institute

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