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[frameconnews] Brand Names & Sourcing

The recent thread of questions on fixing pastels and others in
the past, have convinced me that we should have a web page
devoted to sourcing various products. If anyone is violently
opposed to this, let me know.

Several manufacturers have approached me in the past to see if
it is OK to post a message about a particular product, and this
presents some difficulties in my attempt to avoid any element of
Spam in the list.

There is also the problem that this is a very international
group, and a name or product might be unavailable or different
in a particular country.

So, if you are a manufacturer and see a request or discussion
that you may have a suitable product for, let me know and I will
make it available on a web page - address to be given when I
have got it up and running. This also applies to list members
who know of a product.

This should be in the form:

Uses [150 words}
Brand Name
Phone No
Fax Number
Email address

I don't forsee any charge at the moment.

I'll see how much work this generates before
adding a small *.gif of the product or logo.

I believe that http://cool.conservation-us.org/ has
a materials page and as I also have considerable contacts
throughout the world, and will be happy to undertake
a search is asked.

Stephen Todd
Moderator frameconnews


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