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[frameconnews] Re: Paste and stretch

The short answer is that you should not be adhering watercolours and prints
to board.  Attaching a work of art on paper to a rigid support is only very
rarely an appropriate treatment.

"Michael Royall" <M.Royall@tesco.net> on 09/09/99 04:05:30 PM

Please respond to frameconnews@egroups.com

 To:      Frameconnews@egroups.com                            
 cc:      (bcc: Linda Sutherland/MCAC)                        
 Subject: [frameconnews] Paste and stretch                    

Dear All

Can anyone help....

1) What is the best type of adhesive paste to use (and where do I source it
from) when pasting down thin prints and watercolurs onto acid free
board/paper ?

2) What's the best method of stretching the above acid free board/paper
prior to pasting to ensure that cockling/warping will not take place ?

Very many thanks

Mike Royall


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