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Subject: Call for papers and posters--Color and conservation--addendum

Call for papers and posters--Color and conservation--addendum

From: V. Selva Bonino <vselvab<-at->
Date: Monday, July 6, 2015
Call for papers and posters

Center for the Study of Conservation Materials (CESMAR7)
VII Congress "Color and Conservation 2015"
"From Oil Paintings to Acrylics, from Impressionism to Contemporary
    Art:  Studies, Researches, Scientific Surveys and Conservative
Politecnico di Milano
November 13-14, 2015

The deadline for the online abstract submission for oral and poster
presentations has been extended to July 20, 2015, 23:00

    **** Moderator's comments: Please see the original CFP in
    Conservation DistList Instance: 29:3 Monday, June 8, 2015


    Abstract submission (oral/posters): July 20, 2015
    Selection: August 3, 2015
    Full text submission (oral/posters): September 30, 2015
    Publication of proceedings: Spring 2016

For further information, please contact
conference2015.cesmar7<-at->gmail<.>com, +39 334 3914483and see


                  Conservation DistList Instance 29:8
                 Distributed: Wednesday, July 15, 2015
                        Message Id: cdl-29-8-001
Received on Monday, 6 July, 2015

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