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Subject: Conference for students and emerging conservators

Conference for students and emerging conservators

From: Graham Voce <iic<-at->
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Student and Emerging Conservator Conference
Thursday - Friday, 15-16 October 2015

IIC's third Student and Emerging Conservator Conference will be held
on 15-16 October 2015.  Following on from the successful 2013
(Copenhagen) and 2011 (London) Student and Emerging Conservator
Conferences this conference will allow those at the start of their
professional journeys the chance to discuss and explore the three
areas of:

    Differences in the conservation education systems of different
    countries and how these can help--or not

    The first steps after a graduation: supplementing academic
    qualifications with practical training, workplace/job experience
    and volunteering; Mentors and Trade Union/Professional Body

    The Conservator with more than five years' experience:
    specifically, how can networking make a difference for younger
    professionals (under 35) and what national/local legal barriers
    have been encountered by them?

As with all of IIC's Student and Emerging Conservator Conferences,
this event will aim to offer an international perspective and to
facilitate communication between student/emerging conservators on
the one hand, and professionals active in the field of conservation,
in national institutions and museums as well as in the private
sector.  The conference aims to create a platform where the
discussion of current needs in conservation and the relationship
between expectations and reality can be discussed.

Studio visits and a social programme: The themes discussed will be
supported by organised visits to some of central Warsaw's major
conservation studios.

There will also be a chance to socialise at the evening receptions
on the Thursday and Friday, and lunch is included for the Friday.

The presentations will be held in the form of collaborative Web
Broadcasts, which will allow an international community of speakers
and participants to take join the conference, either in person or
online.  There will also be dialogue between the speakers and the
audience, including those attending via the web.  Conservation
professionals active in the private sector as well as in
museums/institutions will discuss their experience and address the
concerns raised, will give their views on the future of the
profession, and the evolution of conservators' responsibilities.
Experienced conservators will address the issues of presentation
skills, portfolio creation and use and language skills, as well as
getting started in a career and the international aspects of
conservation work.

The conference will provide an excellent platform for the exchange
of ideas among those studying conservation, archaeology, art
history, heritage studies and related disciplines, people who are
soon to share the professional responsibility for a wide array of
heritage-related issues.

The conference has the very generous support of the Academy of Fine
Arts in Warsaw and its Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of
Works of Art.

For registration and more details please go to


Graham Voce
Executive Secretary
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic
3 Birdcage Walk
London SW1H 9JJ UK
+44 20 7799 5500
Fax: +44 20 7799 4961

                  Conservation DistList Instance 29:7
                   Distributed: Friday, July 3, 2015
                        Message Id: cdl-29-7-009
Received on Wednesday, 1 July, 2015

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