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Subject: Rundbrief Fotografie

Rundbrief Fotografie

From: Wolfgang Seidel <contact<-at->
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015
The June 2015 issue of Rundbrief Fotografie - Analogue and Digital
Image Media in Archives and Collections has now been published.

The main articles--in German with English abstracts--are:

    Ute Dercks
    Wenn das Sammeln zur "fixen Idee" wird: Die fruhen Fotokampagnen
    des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz
    (When Collecting Becomes an "Obsession": The Early Photographic
    Campaigns of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence)
    pp 7-18

    Georg Dietz und Carsten Wintermann
    Infrarot-Hinterblitzverfahren and Fast Fourier Transformation:
    Eine neue Methode zur Sichtbarmachung von Papierstrukturen in
    (Infrared Back Flashing and Fast Fourier Transformation: A New
    Method for the Visualisation of Paper Structures in Photographic
    pp 19-25

    Nora Mathys: Der Masse Herr werden
    Zur Entwicklung einesErschlieassungs-,
    Bewertungs- und Konservierungsverfahrens fur grosse
    Agenturbestande am Beispiel des Ringier Bildarchivs
    (Mastering the Masses: On the Development of a Method of
    Inventory, Evaluation and Conservation for Large Agency
    Holdings, by Example of the Ringier Picture Archive)
    pp 26-37

    Miriam Halwani
    Revision: Perspektiven der historischen Fotografie im Kolner
    Museum Ludwig
    (Revision: Perspectives of Historical Photography in the Museum
    Ludwig in Cologne)
    pp 38-49

All information about the Rundbrief Fotografie can be found at


Information and orders:

    Publishing House Dr. Wolfgang Seidel
    Schlosserstre 28
    70180 Stuttgart
    Fax: +49 711 65226982
    ISSN 1563-2628

                  Conservation DistList Instance 29:5
                   Distributed: Friday, June 19, 2015
                        Message Id: cdl-29-5-005
Received on Sunday, 14 June, 2015

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