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Subject: Call for papers--Archives and Records Association Annual Conference

Call for papers--Archives and Records Association Annual Conference

From: Mark Allen <mark_allen<-at->
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012
Call for papers
ARA Conservation Conference

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
28-30 August 2013

Why not add to your CPD and keep up accreditation by giving a talk
on something you have been working on this year, a project that you
have been proud to have been involved with or perhaps a case study.
Is there some research you would like to share or a new technique
that you could demonstrate?

"Accountability, Culture and Ethics" is the overall theme this year
The conference will have two streams (archives and records
management / conservation) but we will encourage crossovers between
them. We welcome suggestions for papers, panels, case studies,
debates and workshops

    Do we have to accept compromise or should we work to the ideal?

    Key ethical dilemmas: reversibility, removal of evidence,
    documentation, priorities and selection

    Decision making: are we aiming to be accountable? for the
    greater good in society? to provide access to cultural material?

    What should we know?: education and accreditation; research and
    development; the wider preservation world; new techniques and

    Funding, partnerships and project successes: is money allocated
    in the right places? who is in control?

    Are we entrenched in a digitisation culture, do we still care
    about original, first generation material?  What should we

The programme is flexible and session lengths will be decided once
papers have been chosen but please note that individual speakers
will generally have no longer than 30 minutes for their
presentations. Demonstrations can be longer.

Please submit your proposal, in the format suggested below, to:

    Mark Allen (Conservation stream)
    +44 1244 532 414

Your proposal should include the following:

    Name of proposer (or lead contact for group proposals)
    Contact details
    Submission title (or working title)
    Speakers (if a panel session)
    Session description (brief description, maximum 250 words)
    Special equipment needed (AV equipment etc)
    Any other information

For further information, or if you have any further questions,
please contact Mark Allen +44 1244532414

Mark Allen
Conservation studio
Flintshire Record Office
The Old Rectory
Rectory Lane
Flintshire CH5 3NR

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:28
                Distributed: Thursday, December 6, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-28-007
Received on Thursday, 6 December, 2012

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